Are you an intermediate high or an advanced level speaker and would like to learn Jordanian Arabic in an effective way? One of the best ways to do so is to watch Jordanian movies and TV Series. Doing so will allow you to hear Jordanian Arabic in the way it's really spoken, pick up new phrases, learn about Jordanian culture and traditions. We've followed these things well enough to give you a large list of some of the best recommendations. p.s. And don't forget to turn on the subtitles!Drama Moviesبيت سلمى (Netflix)ان شاء الله استفدت (Netflix) Drama TV Seriesمدرسة الروابي (Netflix)مسلسل زين (YouTube)سلطانة (YouTube) War Moviesفرحة (Netflix) Thriller/Mystery Moviesعمر (Palestinian/Levant Netflix)الحارة ((portrays gangster’s life, bad words, not a family movie*) Netflix)Comedy Showsتلفزيون جديد (Roya TV)الجار قبل الدار (Roya TV)عصفورية (Roya TV)وطن ع وتر (Roya TV)فيميل (YouTube)N2OComedy(YouTube)ياسمين وصبري (YouTube)جلطة (YouTube)نصي التاني (YouTube)تقلدوهمش (YouTube)العلم نور (YouTube)ابو الغور شو (YouTube)ابو السعيد (YouTube)نوباني شو (YouTube)شعر بنات (YouTube)حياة عيلتنا (YouTube)رجائي كائن فضائي (YouTube)رجائي كائن عدائي (YouTube)قهوة سادة (YouTube)نهفات عيلتنا (YouTube)